Google Chrome will show NOT SECURE if your site isn’t https enabled

Starting in July 2018, Google Chrome will be marking all http sites as “Not secure”, something you may have already seen on some sites. When you request a site with http rather than https, your connection is not secure and therefore vulnerable to malicious activity. Google is trying to move the web towards a secure (https) web by default and marking http sites as “Not secure” is part of that process.

OK, you may say that you’re not selling anything online. You may be a freelancer, creative, agency or blogger, you may not make money online.

However, you may be making money offline based on the trust and authority you’ve developed online.

Why the sudden rush into getting SSL for your website?

In July 2018, a new version of Google Chrome will be introduced that will mark every HTTP site as “Not Secure.” Think about the consequence of having “NOT SECURE” on the top of your browser when a visitor considers filling out a lead gen form. I’m pretty sure you won’t see that page convert like it used to.

The good news is that you can easily get a free SSL certificate from Let’s Encrypt today so your website won’t be marked “Not Secure.”

I suggest that you make getting your site secured with an SSL certificate an item on your list to do.

OK, So how do I get my domain changed to https?

We only install SSL certificates on websites hosted with us!

SSL certificate from Let’s Encrypt is free, we just charge an installation & set up fee of £40 per domain.

However, please note that this relies on Let’s Encrypt which is a relatively new service provided by a 3rd party. Let’s Encrypt SSLs have a lifetime of only 3 months. We will attempt to renew your certificate automatically but Let’s Encrypt may fail to accept this renewal or revoke the certificate at any time, this is outside of our control.

If your website is mission critical, we recommend purchasing an SSL warrenty certificate, if you require a warrenty certificate, you can see our prices here…

Any questions just ask, were here to help!