Email Configuration

Use the following recommended settings to configure your desktop e-mail application. If you are using multiple devices to access the same mailbox (phone, PC and tablet for instance) we recommend IMAP over POP. This will leave a copy of your messages on the server, including folder structure and sent items which are then accessible on every device and via Webmail. Please note that we do advise regularly backing up your e-mail account and archiving old messages to maintain good performance.

Please note that you will need to enable ‘SMTP Authentication’ in your mail client which can usually be enabled under the outgoing (SMTP) server settings. It should be set to ‘password’ mode and use the same details as your incoming mailserver.

Username: Your full e-mail address
Password: Chosen when you add the mailbox


POP3 Server: (or for non-SSL if you prefer, but if you disable SSL, please use port 110)
POP3 Port: 995
SPA: Off


IMAP Server: (or for non-SSL if you prefer, but if you disable SSL, please use port 143)
IMAP Port: 993
SPA: Off


Outgoing SMTP Server: (or for non-SSL if you prefer, but if you disable SSL, please use port 25)
SMTP Port: 465
SPA: Off
SMTP Authentication: On (“Use same password as incoming server” in Outlook, or for Mac Mail, iPhone and iPad devices, please use “Password” mode)



Microsoft Outlook More settings/Advanced/Root folder path: INBOX
Iphone/Ipad’s click ‘Advanced’ Set the IMAP Path Prefix to: INBOX